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Explorateur de fichiers multiplateforme.Powered by the web

Being built using the Tauri Framework, et écrit en TypeScript pour le frontend et Rust pour le backend, Pour le backend, Xplorer vous promet une expérience sans précédent.
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Xplorer dark on Windows

Windows (dark)

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Xplorer shades of purple on Linux

Garuda Linux (Shades of Purple)

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Xplorer dark on macOS

macOS (dark)

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Xplorer light on Windows

Windows (light)

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Xplorer dark+ on Windows

Windows (dark+)

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Xplorer light+ on macOS

macOS (light+)

Prise en charge de plusieurs onglets

Tired of opening multiple windows to explore your files? Xplorer comes with multiple tabs support to help you manage your files easier.

Aperçu du fichier

Xplorer comes with a built-in file previewer to help you view files in a more intuitive way. It supports images, videos, PDFs to almost all programming language with Syntax Highlighting.

Designed out of the box

Dites adieu à l'ancien design par application traditionnelle et dites bonjour à ce design simple mais puissant.


You can customize the look and feel of Xplorer by using different themes or build your own theme.

Designed and developed by many amazing people.

Xplorer is an Open Source project that everyone can contribute to.
